Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life & Where It's Heading

Yesterday- so relaxing. Went to the gym, painted a little pottery, and hung out at Alex's for quite awhile. It's so exciting to be over there. Not only does Jack go crazy with the little chihuahua and jack russel, but Alex is due to have her baby any time now!! Her and Hunter went to Build-A-Bear, and built little baby it's first teddy bear. They are such strong souls! I cannot believe that they have come this far and still not found out what the sex of their baby is! I think I would go absolutely insane with wonder!

Graduation is getting so close! I am getting so nervous about what is lying ahead of me. What now? I love marketing- I love all aspects of it- but what part can I see myself doing for the rest of my life? None of it. I guess I am a little too wish-washy for my own good. I like change, and I cannot see myself doing one thing forever, especially if that one thing is sitting in an office and never seeing life outdoors. I come from a pretty strong military family, and when I sit down and really think to myself, the opportunities seem endless with a military career. I never thought it would be something I would be pulled to do, but some areas of it seem right up my ally. I am looking into the ins and outs of Officer Candidate School for the Coast Guard. It may be for me, but I am still in the beginning stages of research. For a less then four year commitment, I think it could hold a lot of potential for giving my life a little zest. And the best part of it is, I can pursue it longer if I choose, or I can do the minimum time requirement and jump into something a little different. Either way I would have that experience under my belt, and would be able to bring that much more to the table wherever I ended up next.

I can't wait for our mini road trip tomorrow. I feel like I haven't seen Jared much lately- at least for much quality time. He practically works a double each day. Labs from 7am-1pm then usually work until 10pm. As long as he can get through this next month, school next year will not be so draining. I think my mom is coming up for Jared's graduation! I can't wait to see her. It will be a nice transition into the summertime! My brother Jon may come with her-- I never know with him.

My day is just beginning! I am at school today until 8pm and in between classes, doing research for my HUGE paper. Good thing we got to pick our topics. Any views on the ethical issues to do with animal shelters would be greatly welcomed.

xoxo, Linds